Last updated 2023-08-24

Collision repair program participant provides Alternative Transportation Service for total loss vehicles

The collision repair program participant follows guidelines when providing the Alternative Transportation Service (ATS) for total loss vehicles.

Courtesy car provided before total loss determination

Sometimes the participant provides an ATS  courtesy car to the customer before ICBC determines the customer's vehicle to be a total loss. In such cases, ICBC compensates the participant with the courtesy car allowance
  • for the number of days the vehicle was provided
  • up to the date the vehicle was determined to be a total loss, and
  • for one additional day, if required, to contact the customer and arrange for the courtesy car to be returned.

ATS compensation and teardown labour hours

The ATS hourly compensation does not apply to teardown labour hours.

Note: The participant must complete a Repair Facility Support Request form - ATS Vehicle Reimbursement.
Tip: A collision repair program participant can access the Repair Facility Support Request form through Make a support request (