Last updated 2023-08-24

Excessive wait times at collision repair program participant facility

The collision repair program participant advises ICBC of excessive wait times at their facility.

Excessive wait times

The participant may advise ICBC when excessive wait times occur. An excessive wait time is a delay of greater than seven calendar days before the participant starts vehicle repairs for non-drivable vehicles.

Wait Delay Alternative Transportation Service Responsibility Date

The Wait Delay Alternative Transportation Service (ATS) Responsibility Date is calculated by using the Wait Time Calendar Days formula:

  1. Predicted arrival date of the vehicle by tow, during regular business hours.
  2. Participant's current estimated Wait Time Calendar Days.
Note: Weekends and ICBC-recognized holidays are counted as calendar days in the calculation, but if the Wait Time ATS  responsibility date falls on a Sunday or an ICBC-recognized holiday, the next business day applies.

Advising ICBC of excessive wait time

Participants advise ICBC by completing the Repair Facility Support Request form - Non-drive repair start delay.

Note: If the participant does not advise ICBC of their wait time delays, the non-drivable vehicle is towed to the customer's collision repair program facility of choice, and is subject to applicable grace days for the claim.
Tip: A collision repair program participant can access the Repair Facility Support Request form through Make a support request (

Advising ICBC of excessive wait time removal

When the wait time delay no longer applies, the facility must complete the Repair Facility Support Request form - Non-drive repair start delay form to advise ICBC that it can be removed.