Last updated 2023-09-29

Advanced driver assistance systems calibrations for collision claims

The collision repair program participant may need to calibrate cameras or radar units for vehicles equipped with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) that are involved in a collision claim.


For a vehicle involved in a collision claim, that is equipped with ADAS, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) procedures may require that the participant calibrate the camera or radar unit(s) as part of the repair process.


ADAS calibrations on cameras (forward and non-forward facing) and radar units can be
  • completed in-house
  • sublet to another collision or glass repair program participant
  • vehicle auto calibration, if applicable, or
  • sublet to a non-program participant, such as a dealership.
Note: In-house calibrations can be converted. For more information, refer to the topic, Sublet conversion to Alternative Transportation Service hourly compensation.
ICBC pays the rates for successful calibrations to forward facing cameras affixed to the windshield and radar units located in the grille or front bumper. These rates are applicable when the calibration is performed in-house or as a sublet to another collision repair program participant.
  • $225 for a successful static or dynamic calibration operation, or
  • $450 for a successful universal calibration

All other calibrations are billed based on the manufacturer's posted repair time or sublet amount.

The ADAS calibration is selected based on the repair process generated by My Templates in Mitchell.
Important: Only successful calibrations are paid for.
Note: Documentation supporting OEM repair procedures, as outlined in the Collision repair program guide, must be retained when the vehicle has ADAS that auto calibrates.

Reasons for calibration not being performed at the time of replacement

If a collision repair program participant is unable to perform or facilitate a calibration as required by the applicable OEM procedures, due to circumstances outside of their control, they must
  • document their reasonable attempts to complete the calibration on the repair facility invoice and/or estimate, with an estimate remark in Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE), and
  • inform the customer that calibration is required and as the ADAS is not functioning as intended.
If ... Then the participant must ...
adverse weather conditions prevented the calibration provide the re-booked appointment time.
the dealer or aftermarket calibration facility is located outside of the participant's service area provide the
  • name of the closest dealer, and
  • distance from the repair facility.
no reasonable appointment time was available from the sublet provider facility provide the
  • sublet facility name, and
  • soonest appointment availability.
the vehicle windshield has camera openings for ADAS equipment but the
  • vehicle is not equipped, or
  • existing camera is not activated.
note the claim accordingly.
vehicle modifications require a return to factory specifications before the vehicle can be calibrated provide a description of the modification or additional equipment preventing calibration, which may include
  • winches
  • bush bars
  • changes to tire sizes suspension ride height.