Last updated 2022-08-18

Glass repair program requirements

Glass repair program participants are required to adhere to program requirements to successfully enroll and maintain standing in the glass repair program.


To successfully enroll and maintain their status in the Program, each glass repair program participant must ensure that
  • they operate out of a permanent location
  • the customer reception area in the glass repair facility is separate from the repair area(s), with its own direct entrance, and
  • all areas accessible to customers are kept clean, sanitary, professional and welcoming to all customers and ICBC employees.

Windshield repairs and replacements cannot be completed at a temporary location meant to facilitate or attract multiple customers, such as tent or kiosk locations in a parking lot.

Important: Mobile glass repairs are permitted.

Each facility must comply with all applicable:

  • requirements in the Damage section of Claims Procedures
  • building codes
  • regional, district or municipal by-laws and regulations
  • provincial and federal legislation, including all environmental regulations
  • privacy legislation including but not limited to the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”) and,
  • WorkSafeBC occupational health and safety requirements.

Hours of business

Participants must
  • maintain business hours in alignment with local ICBC Claims offices, which are typically 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, and
  • ensure that there is a staff member on site during business hours who has received glass repair program training, if provided by ICBC, to write estimates in accordance with program standards.
Participants should advise ICBC of any repair facility closures that occur due to unforeseen circumstances, to reduce possible delays for their mutual customers.
Note: Statutory holidays are foreseen circumstances.

Vehicle storage

Repair facilities must have secured storage for all customer vehicles. Off-site secure storage must be provided, if the secured storage capacity of the facility is insufficient to meet the facility’s vehicle volume. Addresses of any off-site storage facilities must be included on the facility’s garage and commercial general liability policies.

Key storage, including drop-off boxes, must be safe and secure.

Important: Mail slots are not acceptable.

Management and administration

Facility management approved at the time of acceptance must be maintained for a minimum of six months after entry into the program. A participant may request approval of additional or alternate management personnel from time to time.

Participants must appoint a member from their staff as the primary contact point between ICBC and the facility. The contact must be assigned full authority to give and receive all communications regarding the program, and to grant approval on required information and decisions.

Computer technology

Glass repair participants must ensure, at their own cost, that they are technologically capable of maintaining communication with ICBC, including but not limited to having an email account with an internet service provider compliant with FIPPA. Participant use of business systems must also comply with FIPPA, which requires that all personal information be stored and accessed inside of Canada in the absence of consent.

  • must never access, store or allow the storage of personal customer information outside of Canada, and
  • are responsible for ensuring that customer data is not stored by or on third party servers outside of Canada.

The minimum requirements for the technology components of the program are listed on ICBC’s Material Damage business partner’s page. If the participant is using other software, such as a facility management system, the recommended requirements should be used. ICBC may conduct a facility inspection to ensure that these requirements are met.

Important: The minimum requirements are subject to change at any time. The cost of any technological updates or upgrades is the sole responsibility of the participant.

Equipment and materials

Participants are required to have equipment onsite capable of completing safe, proper repairs and replacements. Please refer to the Partners Page for a current list of the minimum required tools and equipment.

Important: The minimum requirements are subject to change at any time. The cost of any updates/upgrades is the sole responsibility of the participant.

Technical reference materials

Each facility must have access to manufacturer repair procedures for vehicles, when applicable, including but not limited to advanced driver assist systems (ADAS) calibrations.

Safe, proper repairs and replacements

Prior to accepting any work, participants must determine whether they are capable of

  • completing safe, proper work that is subject to a warranty, when applicable, including calibration work when required, and
  • completing the work that they take on, including sublet when permitted.

If the participant is incapable of doing so, they must refuse the work. ICBC does not compensate participants for supplementary or incidental claims costs that are over and above what is necessary to complete the actual repair or replacement. Participants should determine the schedule for calibration work directly with customers.

Participants must follow manufacturer repair and replace procedures related to ADAS.

Training and certification

Certification of technicians

All technical personnel working on ICBC claims must hold a British Columbia recognized trade qualification, or be a registered apprentice, in the automotive glass technician trade.

Important: Automotive glass technician certificate numbers must be entered on all ICBC glass invoices submitted to ICBC for payment.

Program administrative training

ICBC may provide program administrative training for participants. All staff members who complete estimates in Glass Web Express (GWE), as well as the facility manager and owners, or their authorized representative, may be required to complete the training.

Participants must ensure that at least one staff member who has received the training course provided by ICBC is on site at all times during program hours to write a complete and accurate estimate according to the program standards on all ICBC glass invoices, if required by ICBC.

Glass replacement warranty

Participants must provide a written limited glass replacement warranty to vehicle owners, which
  • applies only as long as the registered owner owns the vehicle
  • certifies that work completed is performed to the Safe, Proper Repair and Replacement standards outlined in this Guide
  • applies to workmanship and materials
  • must contain the:
    • ICBC claim number
    • facility name
    • customer name, and
    • vehicle information.

Warranty exclusions may include, but are not limited to, damage caused by or resulting from unreasonable use, maintenance or care of the vehicle.

Participants are given an opportunity, with the customer’s consent, to correct sub-standard glass replacements promptly under the participant’s warranty, absent extraordinary circumstances.

Alternatively, in situations where extenuating circumstances exist, the participant can arrange to have work corrected at a secondary glass repair program facility with the customer's authorization. A written agreement is required between the secondary participant and the original participant regarding the terms of the warranty and the corrective work required.

The participant is responsible for resolving workmanship issues involving a secondary program facility contracted by the participant.