Last updated 2020-02-28

Glass repair program

ICBC and glass repair program participants work cooperatively to establish an effective and efficient business relationship for the benefit of their mutual customers.


The glass repair program
  • accredits glass repair facilities that achieve and maintain the highest standards for customer service and quality repairs
  • ensures that customers receive efficient, cost-effective repairs that meet the highest industry standards for safe, proper repairs and replacements
  • provides participants with access to business systems and software to efficiently invoice glass repairs and replacements for ICBC customer vehicles, and
  • recognizes the investments that participants make in training, equipment, productivity and customer service.

Participation in the program is voluntary for glass repair facilities that meet and maintain program requirements and sign the Glass Repair Program Agreement.

Participants must adhere to policies and procedures as set out in the

  • Damage section of the Claims Procedures
  • Program Guide, and
  • Glass Repair Agreement.


The benefits of the program include

  • increased claim efficiency and ability to service customers outside of regular ICBC claims office hours
  • ICBC and participants working together to continuously improve service efficiency for customers
  • participant eligibility to receive maximum labour rates set out on the ICBC’s Business Partners Page, as amended from time to time
  • enhanced marketing and exposure for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Participants, which may include
    • value added services, such as language options
    • calibration equipment, and
    • other relevant customer information
  • eligibility for the Glass rebates, providing financial rewards to Tier 1 Participants, and
  • participant ability to initiate and invoice ICBC directly for qualified windshield repairs and glass replacements.