Last updated 2020-03-02
Page ID: 48d2

Manage failed Glass repair program claim

Overriding the glass claim qualification rules in ClaimCenter is performed when managing a failed glass repair claim.

When this applies

Glass Express result qualification rules must be overridden to process a glass claim when a glass repair facility fails to create a glass claim in New Claims Wizard.


  1. Determine whether the claim is glass repair program qualified.
    If… Then…
    yes proceed with regular glass repair program procedures.
    no proceed to step 2.
    no, and an error displays contact Provincial Glass Operations (PGO), who address the message and error.
    Note: Refer to procedure, Glass claim result qualification rules.
  2. Determine whether the failed glass repair claim can be overridden in ClaimCenter.
    If… Then…
    • override the glass claim qualification rules that failed, and
    • note the reasons.
    no claim is not a glass repair program claim.