Last updated 2023-08-24

Alternative Transportation Service compensation and holds on total loss vehicle

ICBC compensates collision repair program participants when the Alternative Transportation Service (ATS) is used for customers with an authorized repair estimate or qualified claim. ICBC may also reject or hold an repair estimate in specific situations.

ICBC Review Assignment

The estimator may reject a Review Assignment after

  • reviewing the repair estimate or supplement
  • identifying a potential total loss concern, or
  • seeing a total loss message in the Mitchell Connect.

An estimator who rejects a Review Assignment must

  • contact the participant to advise that repairs are on hold, and
  • create a Journal note documenting the situation.

Allowable turnaround time

When the original Review Assignment is rejected due to a potential total loss situation, then the estimator has one business day to research and advise the participant if the vehicle is repairable or a total loss.

Business day

For the Total Loss Decision, a business day is counted as the 24-hour period from the time the vehicle repairs were placed on Hold, excluding

The following are excluded as business days for the purpose of this calculation:

  • Saturdays
  • Sundays, and
  • British Columbia recognized holidays.

Work Stoppage

Work stoppage begins on the earlier of

  • the time the estimator contacts the participant, or
  • two hours after the time the repair estimate was put into a review status in Mitchell.

Conditions for ATS compensation


  • does not pay for the first 24-hour period, also referred to as the elimination period, or
  • pays for the delay days after the first 24 hours until the repair or total loss decision is made under the following conditions:
    • the delay exceeds one business day from the time the repairs were put on hold
    • the customer is in an ATS  courtesy car, and
    • ICBC decides to continue with repairs.

ATS compensation billing period

The participant may bill for one day of courtesy car Allowance for each 24-hour period or portion thereof

  • after the 24-hour elimination period, and
  • up to the point that ICBC contacts the participant with a decision.
Note: To invoice for ATS the participant must complete a Repair Facility Support Request form - ATS Vehicle Reimbursement.