Last updated 2023-08-24

Collision repair program Alternative Transportation Service management policy

Collision repair program participants must meet the requirements set out for the Alternative Transportation Service (ATS).

When this applies

This policy applies to the collision repair program participants, subject to ATS exceptions.


Collision repair program participants must meet the requirements set out for ATS.

Situation Details
Participant is handling ATS requirements of the customer

The participant must satisfy the alternative transportation needs of the customer during the repair process.

Alternative transportation may include
  • a taxi to and from work or home
  • a shuttle to and from work or home
  • public transportation costs
  • any other form of transportation satisfactory to the customer, or
  • ATScourtesy car.
Participant satisfies the ATS requirements of the customer
The participant is responsible for ATS cost management
  • when they receive the customer's vehicle for the purpose of repair with an authorized repair estimate or claim number, and
  • subject to the applicable grace day calendar, in the case of non-drivable vehicles.
Note: When a non-drivable vehicle arrives after the program participant's normal business hours, then the vehicle's arrival date is counted as the following day.
  • cannot manage the ATS requirements of the customer, and
  • the customer has Loss of Use Coverage
The participant
  • must complete and submit a Repair Facility Support Request form - Direct Rental Referral at least 24 hours before the Customer's appointment time (excluding weekends and BC statutory holidays)
  • must inform an ICBC representative that the customer immediately needs a rental vehicle when the program participant is unable to submit a Repair Facility Support Request form - Direct Rental Referral , at least one full business day prior to the responsibility date
    Note: The participant must meet all of the customer's alternate transportation needs for the duration of the repairs, unless the participant submits a Repair Facility Support Request form - Direct Rental Referral .
  • must submit the repair estimate no later than two business days after the ATS Responsibility Date
  • can contact an ICBC representative before the ATS responsibility date to determine whether other transportation arrangements can be made when the customer is unable to rent a vehicle due to the lack of a credit card, and
  • cannot bill ICBC for ATS when the facility submitted a Repair Facility Support Request form - Direct Rental Referral .