Last updated 2023-08-24

Requirements to supply a courtesy car prior to Alternative Transportation Service Responsibility Date

Collision repair participants are required to follow guidelines when supplying a courtesy car prior to Alternative Transportation Service (ATS) Responsibility Date.


After a fully authorized claim number is issued for a vehicle that has been rendered non-drivable, the participant may provide their owned or leased courtesy car, even if they have not yet received the customer's vehicle at their facility.

ICBC pays the applicable courtesy car allowance rate for each day that a vehicle is provided prior to the ATS Responsibility Date, up to Loss of Use coverage limits, provided the following requirements are met:

Requirement Detail
Obtain pre-authorization The participant must obtain ICBC pre-authorization to offer an ATScourtesy car prior to the ATS Responsibility Date.
Note: ICBC does not pay for an ATS courtesy car prior to the ATS Responsibility Date if it has not been pre-authorized by ICBC.
Confirm customer eligibility The participant must
  • confirm valid ICBC Loss of Use coverage, or
  • contact ICBC to confirm that the customer is not responsible for the accident.
Complete required agreement The customer must sign a Temporary Substitute Motor Vehicle (TSMV) Agreement.
Inform ICBC The participant must contact ICBC within one business day to advise that their owned or leased courtesy car has been provided.
Note: ICBC must document the claim file, including the supplied courtesy car start date.
Minimize billing overlap When an  ATS courtesy car is replacing a rental vehicle, ICBC and the participant must minimize any overlap of billing.
Advise of total loss ICBC must notify the participant if the vehicle is deemed a total loss.
Compensate total loss When a vehicle is deemed a total loss, ICBC compensates the participant with the courtesy car allowance for
  • the number of days the vehicle was provided up to the date the vehicle was determined to be a total loss, plus
  • one additional day, if required, to contact the customer and arrange for the courtesy car to be returned.
Complete reimbursement form The participant must complete a Repair Facility Support Request form - ATS Vehicle Reimbursement request .