Last updated 2020-05-15

ICBC Material Damage Supplier requirements

ICBC Material Damage (MD) suppliers must meet specific requirements.


MD suppliers must meet the following requirements.

Requirement Supplier actions
Business licence
  • Possess a valid business licence or equivalent specific to the business type(s) on their application, and
  • have the licence posted in a public area within the business premises, as required by law.
Business operations
  • Operate a full-time business in a permanent structure at a fixed location that is customer friendly
  • allow easy public access to the customer reception area
  • have a safe parking lot and reception area that is free of hazards
  • have accessible and clean washrooms for the general public
  • ensure each location qualifies as an ICBC supplier, when there are multiple locations or franchises
  • provide a controlled environment allowing work to be performed according to the vehicle and material manufacturer’s recommendations
  • provide direct access to the business office through a separate and distinct entrance, in cases of a home-based business or shared facility
  • establish and maintain a good business relationship with ICBC
  • conduct best business practices, and
  • maintain professional standards in all circumstances.
Business ownership review
  • Have no outstanding issues with their driver’s licence (DL) and debt, and
  • must be in good standing, including passing satisfactory special investigation unit (SIU) checks to ensure that they do not present financial or reputational risk to ICBC.
Note: ICBC investigates all owners of the business. ICBC will use this information only for the purpose of determining if there are any matters known to ICBC impacting the suitability of the applicant to be an ICBC supplier.
Central securities register Incorporated companies must provide, upon request by ICBC, a copy of the company's central security register which identifies the details of their voting shares.
Commercial general liability insurance
Maintain Commercial General Liability insurance coverage that
  • has limits not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and $5,000,000 in the aggregate
  • names ICBC as an additional insured, and
  • is primary and non-contributory insurance with respect to liability arising out of the participant’s negligence.
Computer technology Have computer equipment capable of accessing the internet with an email account through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that is compliant with FIPPA.
Direct deposit Submit a completed authorization for Direct Bank Deposit - Claims Service Suppliers (ACG364).
Employee qualifications Ensure all employees performing work on an ICBC customer’s vehicle possess a British Columbia (B.C.) recognized trade qualification, or be a registered apprentice, in the trade relevant to the work performed.
Environmental business practices and compliance
  • Use and maintain best environmental practices, and
  • comply with all applicable
    • laws
    • federal, provincial, and municipal regulations and guidelines, and
    • industry standards.
Financial solvency
Have no outstanding
  • tax demands
  • garnishing orders
  • court orders, or
  • proceedings for bankruptcy or the relief of creditors.
GST and PST Numbers Provide ICBC with a GST and PST registration number.
ICBC Garage Automobile Liability Insurance
Maintain a current ICBC Garage Policy that includes
  • minimum required Third Party Liability limits
  • Legal Liability for Own Damage Coverage to Customers’ Vehicles Rider (APV4F), and
  • the legal name of the facility as named insured.
Note: List the business address if it is different from the mailing address.
Laws and policies
Comply with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) with respect to ICBC claims, including that
  • personal customer information is not stored or transmitted outside of Canada, and
  • storage, display and handling of ICBC customers’ personal information meets all FIPPA requirements.
Operation hours At a minimum, maintain business hours in alignment with local ICBC claims offices, which are typically 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Registered business name Register operating business name (DBA), if applicable.

Display permanent signage consistent with the operating name of the business, if applicable.

Note: If the facility is shared with another business, there must be clear signage internally and externally directing customers to the proper business area.
Technical reference materials
Have access to
  • manufacturer repair procedures for passenger vehicles, and
  • for collision repair program participants only, upper and lower vehicle dimensional data for passenger vehicles.
Tools and equipment Have specific tools and equipment on-site to perform safe and proper repairs for each business facility type indicated on the application.
Unincorporated business Register unincorporated businesses, such as sole proprietorships and partnerships, with BC Registry Services.
Valid driver licence Ensure that an employee who possesses a valid driver’s licence with the appropriate rate class is available at the facility during normal business hours.
Vehicle inspection Collision or glass repair Program participants must pass vehicle repair inspections.
Vehicle storage Store vehicles in a location and manner that prevents environmental contamination.
Warranty Collision and glass repair program participants provide a written limited warranty on work completed. All other material damage suppliers must provide an adequate warranty on work performed, either in verbal or written form.
Workplace safety
Comply with all applicable
  • WorkSafeBC Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
  • laws
  • Federal, Provincial, Municipal and other regulations and guidelines
  • industry standards, and
  • ICBC policies.
Note: The supplier must possess, and maintain in good standing, a valid WorkSafeBC registration number, if applicable.